Twitter hates Berhalter

Discussion in 'USA Men' started by NewDadaCoach, Nov 30, 2022.

  1. jaykoz3

    jaykoz3 Member+

    Dec 25, 2010
    Conshohocken, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    #426 jaykoz3, Jul 2, 2024 at 1:52 PM
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024 at 1:59 PM
    Were they in fact "great" though? They beat Mexico and Canada. EL Tri is in a worse place than the USMNT currently. Canada were being lead by an interim coach. Then they failed to win the Gold Cup.

    Also, who is saying that the players don't have talent? Talent isn't the only factor in building a good team. It is certainly A factor, but it's one of many. This group of players is talented, however, they're not the best players in the world. They're not the best players for their club teams either. Outside of Pulisic who is consistently starting for a top club team? McKennie is for now, however, he was starting and playing because the two preferred players ahead of him were suspended for the season. Juve were actively trying to get rid of him prior to that, and are looking to off load him again now. The US lacks goal scorers. Their centerbacks are either aging out, or young and inexperienced. They have a huge question mark at goalkeeper. The midfield is good, outside of that, while talented there are questions at every position. Gregg is an issue as coach, but this player pool has failed to reach the standards of play of 2014, 2010, 2009, and 2002.

    Gregg should not have been brought back. Second cycle coaches rarely have continued success. In the case of the USMNT, they haven't had success in recent memory. The only question now is: does US Soccer have the courage to make the change in coaches?
    TimB4Last, WrmBrnr and STR1 repped this.
  2. gogorath

    gogorath Member+

    United States
    May 12, 2019
    Overhyped is always a terrible conversation because you need to establish the hype and then actual. Instead of just the actual.

    How would you rank out pool worldwide? There are certainly a large number of people who would rank us at or near the top 10, either explicitly or implicitly through their expectations of results.

    That's overhyped relative to performance, based on merely club play.

    Not everyone overhypes them, but plenty do.
    russ and superdave repped this.
  3. gogorath

    gogorath Member+

    United States
    May 12, 2019
    Don't forget the Grenada and El Salvador matches where we played identical to what we did with Berhalter. And Berhalter has beaten Mexico plenty so this comes down to a Canada match and a Gold Cup where we did worse.

    Our talent is around 20th in the world. We're also young and clearly lack leadership. We don't have a lot of guys who are anything close to a leader on their club squads. There aren't a lot of intangibles that make me expect them to outperform talent.

    Doesn't mean we should keep Berhalter, obligatory, but there's not a lot of stepping up on the player side.
    jaykoz3 and Elninho repped this.
  4. Mt Stone@

    Mt Stone@ Member

    Apr 30, 2016
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Bro probably jerks it to Don Garber photos.
    adam tash repped this.
  5. Mt Stone@

    Mt Stone@ Member

    Apr 30, 2016
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    I don't want to see Matt Turner anymore, he sucks. You just got grouped by Bolivia and Panama bro. Such a weak loser mentality from our supposed #1. Plus, if I can kick a ball better than you, you shouldn't be on the national team.
  6. a_new_fan

    a_new_fan Member+

    Jul 6, 2006
    mckennie saying anything is funny because nobody needs him to run through a wall

    get in shape, act like you care thats a good start.
    Mt Stone@, STR1 and TimB4Last repped this.
  7. bsky22

    bsky22 Member+

    Dec 8, 2003
    Woah! That is one way of entering a thread.
  8. Mt Stone@

    Mt Stone@ Member

    Apr 30, 2016
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
  9. STR1

    STR1 Member+

    Atlanta United
    United States
    May 29, 2010
    Real Madrid
    It's all we got. After Turner options are slim. A couple of MLS options that many USMNT fans would start crying about if they take the #1 spot and Horvath who isn't that good either. Weak, weak, weak. "Best players ever", "golden generation".

    Wouldn't be surprised to see several of these "best generation of players ever" in MLS very soon.
  10. bsky22

    bsky22 Member+

    Dec 8, 2003
    adam tash and HScoach13 repped this.
  11. TOAzer

    TOAzer Member+

    The Man With No Club
    May 29, 2016
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    United States
    Turner had a strong WC in 22, he was bang average in the Copa. This is not enough to say "you're fired", but it is enough to say "We will bring in people to compete with you, and you will have to prove it, on the field, that you deserve to be our #1 in '26".
    Scissorkick Collins repped this.
  12. bsky22

    bsky22 Member+

    Dec 8, 2003
    He called them "hack media". The damage MLS causes goes much deeper than most on here are willing to look or have the smallest of clues.

  13. jaykoz3

    jaykoz3 Member+

    Dec 25, 2010
    Conshohocken, PA
    Philadelphia Union
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    Mt Stone@ repped this.
  14. bsky22

    bsky22 Member+

    Dec 8, 2003
    Tab seems to get it.

    adam tash, Mt Stone@ and HScoach13 repped this.
  15. bsky22

    bsky22 Member+

    Dec 8, 2003
    Alexi thinks a lot of his teammates from 1994 could make the current national team. This says so much about MLS. I'm not sure that red headed ass realizes it.

  16. HScoach13

    HScoach13 Member+

    Nov 30, 2016
    If you truly believe that Crocker had a free hand to hire anyone else but Gregg I have some swamp land to sell you. You want this job here is your coach.
    Mt Stone@ and adam tash repped this.
  17. bsky22

    bsky22 Member+

    Dec 8, 2003
    Mt Stone@ repped this.
  18. bsky22

    bsky22 Member+

    Dec 8, 2003
    This guy thinks MLS is holding us back. The damage is real. The arrogance they have shown since 2017 is astonishing. This little experiment of theirs have ensured many would never support them.

    Mt Stone@ and HScoach13 repped this.
  19. Suyuntuy

    Suyuntuy Member+

    Jul 16, 2007
    Vancouver, Canada
    "In our clubs they treat us like water boys, and the fans are horrible, most want us dead. So we come here and Gregg is just like a fan, he lets us do what we want with our time, and he himself cannot believe he has us around, he's a big fan of the big European leagues and got all our autographs, his dream was playing there but, well, he's a nice man but as for football, it's not really his thing. It's nice to be somewhere where we are appreciated and not hear every day how much we suck."
    adam tash and Mt Stone@ repped this.
  20. bsky22

    bsky22 Member+

    Dec 8, 2003

    Mt Stone@, adam tash and HScoach13 repped this.
  21. adam tash

    adam tash Member+

    Jul 12, 2013
    Barcelona, Spain
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    United States
    and yet the budget for hiring a new coach is so tight?!?!?!? usmnt cant afford the top guns but can afford a high priced figurehead that does absolutely nothing and can afford a million dollar consultancy sportsology to recommend a coach????

    its all so absurd
    Mt Stone@ repped this.
  22. adam tash

    adam tash Member+

    Jul 12, 2013
    Barcelona, Spain
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    its not just "optics"

    the way that ussf operates and wants to operate requires an insider...someone who wont rock the boat and will be fine that many of the decisions the fed makes are about dollars and not technical concerns.....

    this really limits the pool ......unless the ussf wants to actually compete and join the rest of us in 2024

    gregg ticks all of their boxes

    hes an mls stooge that wont rock the boat.....and thats what they need.
  23. superdave

    superdave Member+

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
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    United States
    It’th a conthpirathy!!!!
  24. coldfusion

    coldfusion Member

    Dec 3, 2003
    SoFla / SoCal
    I'm not suggesting GGG was rehired to moot any lawsuit he might have brought over the Reyna affair, but a reasonable defense lawyer might have suggested it. He's now failed again on the merits and can be fired without inviting a lawsuit. He should have resigned already.
  25. Elninho

    Elninho Member+

    Sacramento Republic FC
    United States
    Oct 30, 2000
    Sacramento, CA
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    United States
    #450 Elninho, Jul 4, 2024 at 12:01 AM
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2024 at 12:06 AM
    This again? A MLS stooge who doesn't play any MLS players?

    There's plenty to criticize Gregg over, but I don't understand how anyone still believes this narrative.

    Let me guess... you think he tanked Copa America with all Euro players to give himself an excuse to start 11 MLS players from now on?
    jaykoz3 repped this.

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