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Jun 17, 2024 at 6:00 AM
Feb 21, 2003
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comme was last seen:
Viewing thread Euro 2024, Jun 17, 2024 at 6:00 AM
    1. jared Sagal
      jared Sagal
    2. Value.lm10
      Hello friend, I see you post a lot about football. I am a Messi & Ronaldo debater. I need midfielder statistics during Ronaldo's manutd years. Could you please leave an address where we can contact?
    3. Pavlin Arnaudov
      Pavlin Arnaudov
      Hello :)
      Here I found almost everything I'm looking for in Italy, Spain and Germany, but I'm looking for more ratings from the Netherlands before 2009 / I also saw the 2nd seasons 1991-92 and 1992-93 /, Russia before 1992, Portugal before 1998. I've reviewed a lot, but I may find something new that I don't know!
      Nice day!
    4. HomokHarcos
      I read your History of the World Cups and really enjoyed them. There were great and I wish you had continued it, but I can understand that it would take a long. to complete it.
    5. 621380
      621380 you closed the tread- top 10 best players in prime??...why no warnings ect.. for the posters where are responsable ......its not longer possible for me to gave answers to others membees posts in this tread...thats unfair...
      1. comme
        I have spoken to those people about it. I am relucant to re-open that thread because of what went on. I just read through it all again. I might give it a couple of days and then re-open.
        Jul 2, 2013
    6. AguiluchoMerengue
      how the f. are you a mod? how do you go around telling people they open "ridiculous" threads, based on what logic? I just hope you don't get paid to be a mod, you are probably the worse bigsoccer mod, who the f. do you think you are?
    7. cr7torossi
      sorry, completely got caught up between work/travel and the draft that started up on the United board and forgot to reply.

      My original interest though was in trying to get someone to start up the current player draft but I guess the all-time draft on the BG should keep us busy football-ing wise for the summer :)
    8. cr7torossi
      Any chance of reviving the draft during the summer? We never really had a conclusion to the previous as well unfortunately though.
    9. Dagoods
      Hey Comme,

      Will you create a "the top 100 players of all-time" list as well?
      I'm looking forward to your ST list ;).
    10. darek27

      Maybe you can help me. I'm looking for how many assists does Messi has in NT ?
      Or maybe you know someone here, who can help me ?

      Thanks, Dareczek
    11. DayGrowsOld
      unlucky me...thanks anyway:)DGO
    12. DayGrowsOld
      if you have this book, can you leak some? DGO
    13. Dark Savante
      Dark Savante
      Ohhh... well from talking about it to getting it out there was like, 2 months, so I went by that. ;)

      Should I take it back then? :)
    14. Twenty26Six
      I'd love to get an invite back to the Soccer History group. I dropped out earlier, when it was fairly inactive, b/c I had been subscribed to too many groups. But, now, I'm really enjoying the discussions.
    15. frasermc
      Can you clear your inbox again please so I can send over thoughts on Grinners.

    16. frasermc
      Can you clear your inbox please? Been very busy with work recently but should be available to correspond either tomorrow or Friday.
    17. nutbar
      hi, can i join your history group?
    18. PDG1978
      hi Comme,

      got some more ideas for teams on the another all-time challenge thread but I was last to post. Should I wait a bit?'s a great thread anyway
    19. zippy85
      To be my freind?
    20. zippy85
      So are you going to ask me or or what?
    21. Dark Savante
      Dark Savante
      I'm not sure. Popped back to your page to reply.
    22. comme
      I have to clear them out on a regular basis mate, as I get too many of them!! The "comme fan club" is already full at the moment, but then you were the first member.
    23. Dark Savante
      Dark Savante
      How soon they forget, eh?

      I thought you'd be inundated with fan messages and such!
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    Jun 17, 2024 at 6:00 AM
    Feb 21, 2003
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