No, there is no contradiction in what I’m saying. That Maradona had it harder, which is also the case with Cruyff, doesn't mean that he couldn’t still have a high or the highest percentage. What I mention is a disadvantage, but it doesn't imply that it's impossible if the player is extraordinary enough, and Maradona is. Even though you could argue that talking about contribution percentages isn't the ultimate reality that defines who is the best, and obviously, I agree with that, it’s much closer to the truth because you're considering the context of each player. It's much more foolish and basic to believe that Higuaín is better than Maradona just because Higuaín has more goals. But as you make the analysis more complex, you begin to realize and get closer to the truth, and I’m closer to the truth. But ultimately, what you realize is that it’s really nonsense to talk about individual statistics in a team game like football. Statistics are almost entirely a lie. That's why they need to be analyzed very carefully.
So in your opinion Di Stefano became a worse player when Puskás arrived at Real Madrid? The team obviously were more dependent on him to score or assist goals and then a player like Puskás arrived and made maybe the best duo of history with him but this decreased his goal contribution percent because now real Madrid had a player as good as him if not better to score or assist so obviously his goal contribution percent would decrease. It happend with Messi himself with the arrival of Suarez. He took a more creative responsibility with xavi getting out of the team and with the addition of Suarez he could leave another player to score the goals and he then could focus on influencing the game from other ways. That doesn't mean he became a worse player with Suarez.
For me the better player is the one who consistently deliver his best for the most time. On that sense, Ronaldo, Puskás, Di Stefano and Cruyff were better than Maradona
Honestly, I'm really impressed with how you discovered it. and remember this.. I also have the memory of an elephant " great memory " and I actually saw most of these games in full matches in full images when I was a child 30's 40's 50's 60's 70's 80's 90's and others via the Internet whole games ..
He will selectively address what you point out He knows this I mean does it take a genius to know that cristiano Ronaldo 2018-2020 was not even remotely close to being his best period. You can say Cristiano has never played for a club team that relied on his output as much as Juventus did You can say that But best period WTF the exact same logic extends to Neymar Jr at santos Vs Neymar Jr at Barcelona/PSG the exact same logic extends to Kylian mbappe at PSG who had to shoulder the offensive burden when Neymar was on the operating table for at least 50% of every season Not out of choice but rather out of obligation and he of course was capable. Vs Kylian mbappe at Real Madrid who has been directly involved in 30% of his teams goals in La Liga this season Vinicius,Bellingham and co don’t feel in any way shape or form obliged to pass to him Only if and when he is in the right position the team dynamics are complete different on a super team filled with superstars vs a good team with one superstar There is a reason why Diego Maradona 1981-1984 is on this list and why Diego Maradona 1982-1984 is not on this list Barcelona 1982/83 1983/84 Diego Maradona at Barcelona 31 non penalty goals 23 assists 114 team goals(excluding penalties) 47.3% direct involvement Barcelona is maybe the only team that were capable of winning major titles without Diego Maradona When the over reliance on one player wasnt there to anywhere near the same degree as at Napoli or Boca his goal involvement statistics drastically go down. The evidence is there in black and white Barcelona of the 1980s is definitely not Barcelona of the 2010s(the core of this team were World Cup winners) Do you think they would feel even remotely obliged to make him the centre piece of every single play as at Napoli of the 1980s this guy is dreaming and drowning in his data
Before I posted his data I searched his profile as is my habit I prefer to speak with knowledge than without I also know the tricks here like the back of my hand Ones like “you can’t compare a box striker to a playmaker” Before tracta responded i expected him to also investigate his profile but he just recklessly called him a box striker and Diego Maradona a playmaker. This is a final nail in the coffin so to speak
Pedro pasculi in world cup knockout stage: 1 goal 1 match 1 team goal Goal contribition: 100% Claudio cannigia in world cup knockout stage: 3 matches 2 non pk goals 2 team goals Goal contribution of 100% Cristiano ronaldo in world cup knockout stage: 0 goals O assists 8 matches Goal conrtribution: 0% *cannigia's goals came against brazil and italy. This is not to prove anything..just to show how your BS can make a mockery of football.
yes ... I saw Diego Playing so many many whole matches He was a Second Striker or an Enganche What is an Enganche? Football Manager states: The Enganche is the side's prime creator and to score Goals as soon as possible because the freedom to tackle or doing interceptions much less , a hook that joins the midfield and attack and operates behind the strikers and a playmaker who sticks to his position and becomes a pivot to his team as they move around him. Unlike the Trequartista, it is a more stationary role as the Enganche acts as the focal point instead of moving around into larger areas of space. What is the role of a complete forward? A Complete Forward possesses all the technical attributes of a Deep Lying Forward, the goal scoring ability of a Poacher and the strength, bodybalance and power of a Target Man. He is equally adept at playing in others, fashioning chances for himself and getting on the end of team moves.
Maradona vs bayern munich(uefa cup): 2 matches 0 goals 4 opta assists 4 team goals Goal contribution: 100% After this sf, he went on to assist 3 goals and score 1 pk in the finals..
I have also seen plenty of his matches on net,some days he was a second striker,other days attacking midfielder.
This is a dumb post sorry Am I the one who has ever claimed anywhere that Cristiano was great,good or even average in the World Cup KO stages? If I did claim that nobody was as important to their team as Cristiano was for Portugal in the WC KO stages this would be a valid response. Unfortunately you are just here arguing with yourself. If you wish to discuss if he can be regarded as a good player without having registered a goal or assist in 8 World Cup KO matches we can have that discussion elsewhere. Now on topic The goal involvement statistics of Diego Maradona at Napoli vs juventus/Milan in the 80s and 90s are being presented here by your friend as something phenomenal,out of this world and incomparable They were countered with the goal involvement data of Casagrande at Ascoli/Torino vs Juventus/Milan in the 1980s and 1990s That is Casagrande who played in the exact same league as Diego Maradona at the exact same time as Diego Maradona for teams that were demonstrably inferior to the team Diego Maradona played for. Casagrande was relegated from Serie A the exact same season Diego Maradona won Serie A(1989/90)
I don't remember me claiming diego's contribution was the best against milan or juve.what i wish to ask you what is the point of comparing a little bit of maradona with a little bit of casagrande.are you implying casagrande,or alexis or mane others are better than maradona?
I guess maradona too delivered his best most of the time,at minimum till 1990.that he didn't is a misconception rather than truth.
yes .. when I made the Diego Maradona videos for the 1986 World Cup.. As a child I was a big fan of Jorge Burruchaga and Maradona . I decided to review the entire matches from this 1986 World Cup. I remembered this 1986 World Cup for childhood memories Well, if Maradona had always been determined and focused on winning like he was in 1986...during the World Cup final phase great natural fitness Stamina Endurance BodyBalance Agility Acceleration If he had maintained this higher level of commitment from 1986...his entire career for sure He could have been the best player in the history of the world football.. But I'm not a supporter and I'm not a fan of these criminal narratives that only take into account Shorter Prime + Pure Talent + Skills + Abilities Only these narratives benefit Lazy attackers and Artist Players and Players who weren't Total Footballers on essence Gerd Muller is a clear victim of these criminal narratives
But I'm not a supporter and I'm not a fan of these criminal narratives that only take into account Shorter Prime + Pure Talent + Skills + Abilities Only these narratives benefit Lazy attackers and Artist Players and Players who weren't Total Footballers on essence Gerd Muller is a clear victim of these criminal narratives and C. Ronaldo also is becoming a clear victim of these criminal narratives on the World .
He delivered his best from 77 to 90. This is 13 years which is good but is few relative to Puskás who did it for 20 years
Excelent post and that represents exactly what I was talking but better than I did. @Trachta10 will probably ignore this and will continue to post how Maradona had a superior goal contribution percent
I'm going with yes he is. His legacy is predicated largely on the 1986 World Cup and the fact that he cheated in a game is a big mark against him, IMO. If he did not do that and Argentina lost he'd have never been compared to Pele. Also his club career is not at the level of someone who can be considered the greatest of all time. He may have technically been the best of all time and had the most ability but in terms of results, he does not merit to be considered the GOAT, IMO.