NASL Files Federal Antitrust Lawsuit Against US Soccer

Discussion in 'MLS: News & Analysis' started by Knave, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. Stuart95

    Stuart95 Member+

    Mar 11, 2012
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    He gives the bottom line here:
    Beau Dure repped this.
  2. falvo

    falvo Member+

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    #4677 falvo, Jun 14, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2024
    I read that part but it really didn't make sense.

    Either way , it doesn't look like they will find a solution.
  3. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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    I don't think we'll see Miami FC or the Cosmos getting promoted any time soon.
    Chesco United, Beau Dure and Stuart95 repped this.
  4. Beau Dure

    Beau Dure Member+

    May 31, 2000
    Vienna, VA
    And USSF.

    Indeed. There isn't an uprising amongst the public to make USSF hand over a bunch of money in this case.
    JasonMa, TheJoeGreene and Bill Archer repped this.
  5. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

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    Danny Szetela is tanned, fit and rested.
  6. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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    He claims victory for the USWNT.
  7. Beau Dure

    Beau Dure Member+

    May 31, 2000
    Vienna, VA
    They lost the case in court.

    Public outrage prodded US Soccer to offer a generous settlement rather than continue into an appeal the Federation was sure to win.

    Taking credit for that is a bit like representing a plaintiff who sues over a traffic accident and claiming victory when that plaintiff wins the lottery.

    He did indeed take a hefty part of the settlement for himself -- it would've been more if Hope Solo hadn't objected to the payout.
    Ismitje and russ repped this.
  8. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

    May 12, 2009
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    I dunno. He may actually "win" Relevent. FIFA has already settled with Relevent and the Judge allowed them to be dropped from the lawsuit as a result. Relevent is still going after USSF for damages and I wouldn't be surprised if USSF settles just to make it go away as they'll have bigger fish to fry WRT making sure FIFA doesn't lift the ban on league games outside their home country only for the US.
  9. Beau Dure

    Beau Dure Member+

    May 31, 2000
    Vienna, VA
    That's basically what I'm saying, yeah.

    My guess is they would've settled already except that the lawyer$ like Ke$$ler still want their $hare.
    Yoshou repped this.
  10. Doogh

    Doogh Member+

    Oct 5, 2019
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    Congrats on the North American Suing League for their $169 in monetary damages. Can we go back paying attention to the game now?
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  11. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
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    Rocco Commisso is worth $7.4 billion so I don't think he really needs it.
  12. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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    And Silva is worth at least R$2.6 billion.
  13. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
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    So what are they going to do with $169 mil?

    Buy a few more star forwards?
  14. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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  15. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
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    What is the actual amount they are they suing for?
  16. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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    Apr 18, 2015
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    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays as follows:

    A. That the agreement among the USSF and its members including MLS that is embodied in the Professional League Standards themselves, in totality, be adjudged to be an unreasonable restraint of trade in the relevant markets alleged in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1;

    B. That the conspiracy by Defendants regarding the imposition, implementation, and application of the Professional League Standards, including the discriminatory and selective grants and denials of waivers from such Standards, as well as other conspiratorial conduct described in this Complaint, with the purpose and effect of excluding competition from the relevant markets to protect the monopoly position of MLS in the top-tier market and USL in the second-tier market, or MLS in the broader alternative relevant market, be adjudged to be in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act;

    C. That the conspiracy of Defendants to monopolize the relevant top-tier and secondtier markets, with the specific intent that MLS and USL alone compete in such markets—or, in the alternative, for MLS to monopolize the broader alleged relevant market, with the specific intent that MLS alone compete in that market—be adjudged to be in violation of Section 2 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. § 2;

    D. That MLS's monopolization of the relevant top-tier market, or in the alternative the broader relevant market for men's professional soccer leagues, as alleged in this Complaint, be adjudged to be in violation of Section 2 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. § 2;

    E. That MLS's attempted monopolization of the relevant top-tier market, or in the alternative the broader relevant market for men's professional soccer leagues, as alleged in this Complaint, be adjudged to be in violation of Section 2 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. § 2;

    F. That the Court issue a permanent injunction enjoining USSF from continuing to promulgate or implement the Professional League Standards to sanction men's professional soccer leagues, leaving the competitive market and consumer preference to determine which men's professional soccer leagues in the U.S. and Canada, including NASL, MLS and USL, are top-tier, second-tier or some other competitive level;

    G. H. That Defendants be enjoined from further violations of the antitrust laws; That judgment be entered for Plaintiff against Defendants for three times the amount of damages sustained by Plaintiff as allowed by law, in an amount to be determined at trial, together with the costs of this action and reasonable attorneys' fees, pursuant to Sections 4 and 16 of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 15 and 26; and

    I. That Plaintiff be accorded such other, further or different relief as the case may require and the Court may deem just and proper under the circumstances.
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  17. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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    I don't see a specific amount and out of the 146 docket entries only about 2 documents are free.
  18. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
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    Hypothetically, what happens exactly if the NASL ends up winning their lawsuit?

    Will they continue as a D1 league or will their teams be allowed into MLS without paying expansion fees?
  19. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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    I think if they win the suit the PLS go away and they can call themselves what the hell they like.

    They won't be allowed in MLS.
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  20. jaykoz3

    jaykoz3 Member+

    Dec 25, 2010
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    The PLS aren't going to go away, if anything they'll be revised. IF the NASL win the suit, Commisso and Kessler will get some small monetary reward and this will dissipate faster than a fart blowing in the wind.

    The NASL does not exist anymore. The Cosmos are "on hiatus" and The Miami FC, Indy 11 and the Tampa Bay Rowdies now play in the USL Championship. The Jacksonville Armada barely exist.

    Maybe the USL will apply for D1 sanctioning for the Championship? IF they are granted D1 status, MAYBE Commisso pays an expansion fee to bring the Cosmos back as a USL-C team? I doubt it though, seeing as he moved to Italy.
    superdave repped this.
  21. Stuart95

    Stuart95 Member+

    Mar 11, 2012
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    No, they'd get damages and, I believe, USSF would have to grant them D1 status equal to MLS. I believe as well that,
    This. I hope someone writes a book about the 2000-2020 period in US professional soccer someday. At the beginning of the period, even MLS was on shaky footing and the levels below were comedically bad. By 2010, MLS was on surer footing but the lower levels were still the wild west ... the USL/NASL split, USL's bizarre expansion into Puerto Rico, the Cosmos coming into NASL and sabotaging the partnership with MLS that ended up saving USL, bizarre clubs like Rayo OKC and the SF Deltas ... it goes on and on.

    I'm reading a good book on the Sacramento Republic. The author has a good rundown of the city's previous minor league clubs and their travails. He also has interesting stories from the early days of Sacramento Republic where USL had bizarre, cost-saving scheduling measures with short, multi-game road trips. There's a few other books out there with similar anecdotes about sketchy, underfunded owners and fly-by night clubs.

    @Beau Dure, do you have another book in you?
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  22. The Irish Rover

    The Irish Rover Member+

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    @kenntomasch would know more about it than I would but I'd imagine that's entirely true.

    Granting another waiver wouldn't have cost the USSF much/any money and they'd have been very aware of the risk of being sued successfully if there was even the appearance of unfairness in their decision.

    They set out standards and invited NASL (and others) to meet them. Since the NASL was vaporware, they didn't and the provisional status was yanked. End of
  23. The Irish Rover

    The Irish Rover Member+

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  24. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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    What they're asking is quote: "the Court issue a permanent injunction enjoining USSF from continuing to promulgate or implement the Professional League Standards to sanction men's professional soccer leagues".

    They can call themselves what the hell they like, it was still a shitty league with 8 teams.

    I think India has about 8 leagues that call themselves "Super League". Most are 4th tier.
    Stuart95 repped this.
  25. Stuart95

    Stuart95 Member+

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Yep, that was a draft response that I didn't mean to post. Even if they were granted D1 status, it wouldn't have changed anything. MLS wouldn't be forced to accept them ... their most stable teams had already joined MLS and USL. Don't forget as well that a league that prided itself on clubs being able to chose their own fate implemented crazy exit fees at the end. This seems like a zombie case only continuing because Rocco's pissed and lawyers need paychecks.

    Where we are now is a much better place. MLS is stable and growing. USL, without MLS2 teams is a good place. Teams are free to move between leagues to a place that matches their facilities, fanbases, and finances. I'm a little worried about MLS Next Pro's independent teams and USL League 1 competing with each other but that's not too big a concern. NISA seems to be on its last legs but, hopefully, its teams can find a place in USL or NPSL.
    Beau Dure repped this.

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