The best players of Euro 84

Discussion in 'The Beautiful Game' started by comme, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. JamesBH11

    JamesBH11 Member+

    Sep 17, 2004
    Good info Babaoroum.

    It's always difficult to find or to see a "complete playmaker" type in Platini and Zico now aday.
    Zidane was another big miss too, even though I prefer Platini and Zico more, naturally better talent individually.
  2. comme

    comme Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2003
    Someone who I failed to mention but who definitely should have been included was Arconada. He was terrific and aside from the terrible error in the final was probably Spain's best player. He and Qvist were exceptional in the semi-final.

    Another who was extremely impressive was Coras of a Romania who was constantly tricky and seemed to glide past players at will.
  3. JamesBH11

    JamesBH11 Member+

    Sep 17, 2004
    yes good point ... but it was Schumacher that many selected as best GK at Euro84
  4. SirWellingtonSilva

    May 30, 2011
    Arsenal FC
    Isnt this the incident? (1:30)

    Id heard he was angry at fans blaming him for france's world cup failiure, and subsequently was frustratedly charging into tackles. Strange injury, it broke under his weight?
  5. babaorum

    babaorum Member+

    Aug 20, 2005
    Nat'l Team:
    Yes, this is the incident. His foot got stuck into the ground when he tried to tackle and consequently his ankle was broken into three pieces. He didn't play for 9 months.
    Later in the interview he says he also broke his malleolus once, another one he broke his radius/cubitus, he also broke a vertebra, he had a head trauma, a groin injury (prior to WC82) and -during one year in 1986 (and thus in WC86)- a bursitis which was according to what he says the most painful injury because he coudn't really train and because it ruined his WC.
  6. JamesBH11

    JamesBH11 Member+

    Sep 17, 2004
    I do remember that did affect his WC86 form ... (could be betetr)
  7. PuckVanHeel

    PuckVanHeel Member+

    Oct 4, 2011

    In the same issue also a chronological, date by date, overview of the 'road to victory' (so to speak). Starting with the appointment of Stefan Kovacs.
  8. wm442433

    wm442433 Member+

    Sep 19, 2014
    FC Nantes
    #108 wm442433, Jan 8, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2017
    Found online via Soccer Nostalgia, probably for Onze...
    ...The tops of Didier Roustan (French journalist) :

    What he wrote (but a bit shorten here) :

    Schumacher was by far the best goalkeeper at the Euro.
    If West Germany has disappointed, they can't repraoch anything to Harald Schumacher. He has proved one more time that he is the best in Europe not to say in the World. We can search, he has no weak points.
    Behind him come Bats, very regular during th ewhole competition, then Bento and Arconada.
    On Pfaff : the fantasist keeper took 8 goals in 3 matches. No reproches can be made to him but he has not made any miracle. On Lung : nor good nor bad. Nothing on Qvist.

    The defenders astonished by their offensive abilities at the image of Maceda and Domergue.
    The side-backs have been often overwhelmed in this tournament (2,7 goals by match). The side-back is an endangered specie or in developpement, a matter of appreciation. In the absence of Amoros it is Julio Alberto who made the biggest impression to us. Defensive midifelder or left-back depending on the adversary, he is as good offensively than defensively. It's only a pity that he losts his cold-blood in some situations like during the Final.
    Briegel : had a good conduct. In a lesser degree I liked the Romanians Rednic and Ungureanu and Alvaro too. Joao Pinto was once again very generous but lacked lucidity at the moment of the last pass as at a defensive level. Domergue made the deal with 2 goals in the semi-finals but he has also lacked of defensive rigor.

    The stoppers did not especially show themselves but does this position really permit it ? In any case in three little matches Förster made the difference again, especially with his slide-tackles. We also take note of the good behaviour of the one who has been nicknamed « the butcher of Bilbao » i.e Goikochea.

    Among the liberos, Maceda impressed the ensemble of the specialists. Good positionning, maybe a bit too much self-confident (he caused a goal as he tried to dribble Alvaro near his goals, so against Portugal. In this connection he's certainly the only one libero who made an impact. It's a pity that a Bossis, undoubtly technically superior, did not insert himself between the lines more often. Each time or almost that he did, it was dangerous ( last minute against Yugoslavia or in the overtime against Portugal). That being said Bossis was good enough like the Yugoslavian Zajec who unfortunately multiplicated too much the runs forward when he could have pass the ball more quickly. Stielike is still reliable but when rythm increases his experience desn't suffice anymore. And where he was on the goal by the Romanian Coros ? The prize finally goes to Morten Olsen. Despite his 35 years, this former forward, it must be precised, has never been ocaught for speed. Moreover, even in an uncomfortable position, he always plays in the spirit. Sort of Beckenbauer in the exit of the ball, win by a head over Bossis and Maceda who yet are taller than him.

    The French Midifeld impressed. And also some emulators like Chalana and the young Scifo.
    […] Tigana – Fernandez – Giresse – Platini. With the Danes, difficult to prefer one player over another one but as we have to make a decision on the matter, pecial mention to Soren Lerby, especially for his abilty to change of position for the same output (left back or midfielder). That said he lacks a little something to be really super. This little thing that had Simonsen it seems. The injury of the little Dane is undoubtly one of the regrets for this Euro. In this connection for other reasons the Yugoslavian Susic and the Romanian Boloni completely missed their Euro. The West German team is still searching for Overath, Netzer, Bonhof... Schuster injured, only Matthaüs, by his importance at the level of the recovering (most of all against Romania) in his role proved up to the task. In his role of playmaker Norbert Maier seemed to much intermittent to us. The Yugoslavian Sestic, The Spaniards Senor and Gordillo and most of all the remarkable Romanian dribbler Coras can be equally named.
    The revelation will remain of course the young Belgian Enzo Scifo. From what we saw of him against Yugoslavia (dribbling, acceleration, vista, touch of the ball...) we'll have to count on him in a near future.
    And there is Chalana, more a confirmation as he plays since about a decade. True playmaker, very fine technically, this marvellous lefty orientates admirably the play. He can play quickly (passes in the depth notably) or carry the ball at 30 metres. But here he remains a danger because he has an astonishing power of accleration, ball at the feet (remember the action that brings the penalty against USSR in the qualifying tournament), and he is a great dribbler with a great speciality : the feint of shooting or of crossing. Tigana – Chalana – Platini, here are our three musketeers of the midfield. For the 4th you're free of choice, there are plenty.

    Text that accompanies the different pictures :
    -Michel Platini undoubtly at the top of his game, has dominated this European championship. Top scorer, playmaker with panoramic vision, the French won there his 3rd title of the season.
    -A bit inferior regarding what he did at the World Cup, Giresse was still one of the best midfielders in the competition.
    -Chalana, more than usually, has inspired the game of his team. But the Portuguese has also placed his favorite starts where the dribble and the speed are marvelously combined.
    -The revelation at 18 years old. Enzo Scifo. Naturalized Belgian for the occasion, the Anderlecht's midifelder generated much hopes with his great technical abilities and the maturity that he has shown.

    Few revelations amongst the strikers who worked in a great solitude.
    The strikers of this 1984 Euro have not even score 1/3 of the goals but they still exist though. Only one revelation all in all : the Dane Elkjaer-Larsen. More physical than technical player, he has, it is true, astonished much people along those two weeks, including the Belgian journalists who never saw him as good during this season at Lokeren. Larsen plays in force and likes to rush headlong in the free spaces. In this context, curiously, it happens to him that he has some stoke of genius like in his game against Belgium (Danish second goal). He has not always shown efficiency at the moment to conclude. However he shown to be more at his ease in this domain than Laudrup. Here's a more fine player but who did not score any goal in spite of numerous chances what is annoying. The young Belgian Claesen surely deserves to be seen in a better context. The Spanish Carrasco is endowed with a dribble and a double-start which have often made the difference ; but here again it has not lead to much things. The famous jocker (sub) Sarabia has the advantage to be more opportunistic.
    Finally it is more the ancients who asserted themselves. Santillana always jumps higher than everybody (impressive to see him dominating Le Roux who is however our greatest specialist), keep the ball back to the goal and always shows some nice lucidity (outside of the foot against Portugal to avoid a forest of legs).
    The Portuguese veteran Néné has, for his part, a good hip thrust and most of all the art to sniff out a good shot, the art of positionning (...volley against Romania, header against France...).
    In this semi-final (Fra-Por) Jordao shown that we still had to count on him. Discreet enough until then (but could it be otherwise in a team playing in 4-5-1) he was all along those 120 minutes the most complete striker of the Euro 84. Vandenbergh is still there but he has missed two very important chances (Fra before the goal of Giresse and Denmark).
    The German Völler was omnipresent against Romania but totally absent against Spain. We understand better why Camataru is contested in his country.
    Rummenigge and Littbarski seems to be on the downhill side. Gomes did not play in the best conditions and Jesper Olsen which we were told the better good and who has just signed a big contract with Manchester United has barely played. A pity !
    Gregoriak, Lucas..., comme and 1 other person repped this.
  9. schwuppe

    schwuppe Member+

    Sep 17, 2009
    FC Kryvbas Kryvyi Rih
    I found rating from Marca for the final:

    FRANCIA (1-4-4-2): Bats (1); Battiston (1), Le Roux (1), Bossis (2), Domergue (1); Tigana (3), Giresse (2), Platini (0), Fernandez (1); Lacombe (1) y Bellone (1).

    Anyone knows what's up with that kind of bitterness towards Platini?
    Pavlin Arnaudov, Gregoriak and comme repped this.
  10. PuckVanHeel

    PuckVanHeel Member+

    Oct 4, 2011
    Hmmm, apparently not all of the publications had an international outlook...

  11. schwuppe

    schwuppe Member+

    Sep 17, 2009
    FC Kryvbas Kryvyi Rih
    ??? I'm asking what's the deal with Platini in particular as he is singled out.
  12. PuckVanHeel

    PuckVanHeel Member+

    Oct 4, 2011
    This is France Football for euro 1980

  13. PuckVanHeel

    PuckVanHeel Member+

    Oct 4, 2011
    I've already shown/shared this in the past (from Shoot! magazine archives)


    But next to Menotti also France NT manager Hidalgo gave his own choices in the above FF issue.

    Hidalgo said Ceulemans was "number one" for him. He also singled out Pfaff, Arconada, Renquin, Vd Korput, Gordillo, Gentile and Scirea ("despite tendencies of brutality"), Schuster, Antognoni, Zamora, Haan, H. Muller, Keegan, Van Moer, Visek, Rummenigge and Allofs. In another answer he also mentions Brooking positively. Page 15 of the same issue.

    (did not see an euro 1980 thread so do it here)
    schwuppe and comme repped this.
  14. PuckVanHeel

    PuckVanHeel Member+

    Oct 4, 2011
    #114 PuckVanHeel, Mar 10, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019

    Don't know where to post but Menotti had in 1980 also an interesting interview in VI - I've the relevant issue here and scanned the text (+ translation machine). I'll post some of it here.


    [...]To make a long story short: Exactly three days later I am facing Cesar Luis Menotti, national coach of Argentina, popular to almost every corner of this earth. In contrast to all circulating stories about this 'arrogant long mop', I quickly find him sympathetic. As long as the discussion themes are limited to football, he is even very willing. He therefore does not impose any restrictions; he trusts his insights and is convinced that he can not fall into it. Below you will find the impact of a long conversation with Menotti. A confident coach. Originating from practice. He is also world champion and still only 41.

    - Is it possible to outline a general characteristic for the Argentine footballer?

    Menotti: 'Characteristic for him is the ball treatment. The Argentine pro has few problems with regard to ball treatment. That sets him apart. And his ability to improvise. "

    - I happened to see that yesterday afternoon. Argentinos Juniors against Boca Juniors. I have seen twenty players and two keepers. But no team. Pure individualists.

    Menotti: "Yes, that's the big problem with us. They are technically good, that they often rely on their own qualities. It is difficult to convince them that football is a team sport. They do not readily accept the collective thought. More precisely, the need for a collective thought. It is hard to accept that. "

    - You're an outspoken admirer of Johan Cruijff. I think Cruijff's most essential statement has been that in football the hardest is to choose for simplicity. Do you agree with that?

    Menotti: "Yes. Simplicity is of the utmost importance for a footballer. He must be able to impose this compulsively and that implies another feeling for the collective. I think that our club football differs from that in the conception of the national team. I strive for simplicity. You can also gain ground on the basis of speed and precision. That may not be the most attractive view, but the most effective one. In a match, however, you can not solve everything with the help of someone else. Sometimes you are alone - and then you have to. In that sense I am in good company. The players who can still save themselves in football are scarce right now. But I have access to Kempes, Maradona, Ardiles and Bertoni. All players who have this in the feet and in the head. '

    - It always surprised me why you succeeded in forging all those individualists into a team.

    Menotti: "That was not that simple either. It has been a process of years. At the World Championships in Germany, Argentina set up a selection that had potential opportunities. The players had decidedly the required level, but the team did not. Loose sand. I have been able to use that knowledge in the following years. An absolute condition was, and is, that the team interest goes beyond the individual interest. That must be the strength of a team and not that one star. Because what is it about? A good team can camouflage the fact that one player is bad. But one good player can rarely catch a badly running team ... '


    - Do you attach a lot to the former World Cup selection, do you protect it, or are there no new talent?

    Menotti: "Wait a minute. The World Cup selection consisted of players who, with a few exceptions, were born around 1955. That means that I do not have too many problems for 1982. Now take Gallego and Kempes, both 25 years old, but with a great track record: fifty international matches together and already won a world cup. They come to the start in Spain in a fresh way. Or think of Pasarella, 26 years old. He is captain of the national team and I already claim that he will be at his peak in '82. It may even be that he is still there in '86. But we can not assume that. I am already busy with the formation of his successor, or deputy. I have made a study of 200 young people for this. Because he can not be older than 20, 21 years old. I do not want to say that we are already out, but I am progressing. The same goes for Gallego and everyone else, by the way. It is a whole process and 1986 is my goal. Argentina can not come across what happened to the Netherlands. Because what does Orange have to do with? Cruijff gone, Neeskens gone, Van Hanegem gone, Rensenbrink gone - and the successors are not ready. Then you have to rebuild the business completely and that takes time. A lot of time. In such a phase, Argentina is no longer allowed to go. It is not necessary either. The talents are there. We have become world champion in the youth and many from that group are already in our selection. I am not always grateful for that. We played in Germany and Yugoslavia with a team in which only two World Cup riders were included, Pasarella and Gallego. I do that consciously. I want to make mistakes now. Not later, when it comes to the marbles and not the game. It is difficult to explain such things to the home front, but there is no alternative. I make exceptions for the Great Confrontations. Like an international match at Wembley and like that prestige match against Holland in Bern. Then you absolutely have to think about your international status. Ah, I am not lonely in my views. The same thing happens in Germany. Derwall is also working on a team that can run at the top for years.

    - Despite the whole story, only one player has finally made it to the basics, so Maradona. And that's an exceptional talent, is not it?

    Menotti: 'Well, it is not easy to drive away players from the caliber Kempes, Ardiles and Bertoni. But what is even more difficult is replacing players who have experienced four months of intensive work on the eve of the previous World Cup in the context of the national team. I suppose that the attacking ability of Argentina is not even greater at this moment than in '78. At the World Cup of Spain that will be the case if Maradona has also passed such a preparation. Of course, Diego Maradona is a fantastic talent. One who will follow in the footsteps of Pele and Cruijff - and I know how big it was, because I played with Pele in Santos. But Maradona will have to make his talent more functional and give a higher return. Ah, you saw him at Argentinos. And? Too little on the ball, right? He is now in that phase of his development. He has to increase his radiation. I will not, however, lapse into the error that so many coaches have made: rely on that one super talent. I do not even trust eleven players. I think of a group of twenty men. And then build on Kempes, Bertoni and Maradona, but also on Diaz and Barbas, two young talents that can be used immediately. '

    - You said something about it and Kempes and Maradona. Can you fit them both into one team?

    Menotti: 'They are two great talents. Problems arise only when you have to fit two bad players somewhere. '

    - Problem with them will be that they normally leave from the same position. On the left, between attack and midfield.

    Menotti: 'Football players of that level play where the team needs them.'

    - Yes.

    Menotti: 'Dutch people should know that.'

    - Can be, but such gifted players are no longer around in the Netherlands.

    Menotti: 'I still believe that the Netherlands will remain a great football power. The basis is fairly solid. New talent is produced annually. They tend to work with diligence, honesty and the game itself as motivator. The problem of the Netherlands, however, has been that it has placed too much in the players and too little in the preparation. When people used to see football in the Netherlands, people thought that there was a great organization behind that team. That has turned out to be a misconception. The stars, the established stars and handful leaders, pulled out and what came out? A big disorder! While systematically they worked on a new generation elsewhere, the Netherlands lost its strength. '

    - You have easy talk. If you say "then and then that and those players have to be at my disposal", - then that happens. As for the mini-World Cup. The clubs had to relinquish their internationals at a time when the final of the national championship takes effect. Unthinkable in the Netherlands, where the clubs and individual rights are sanctuary. Totally impossible.

    Menotti: "I am the technician. I ask and the union determines. That does not go bad, although there are always wishes. But in the Netherlands one would have to realize that this world fame was not acquired by the clubs but by the orange shirt and by Cruijff and Michels. '

    - Ajax then? Even now a concept in the world.

    Menotti: 'Ajax has contributed to this, true. But the world really got to know Dutch football at the time of the World Cup in Germany. Not before. It completed the circle and journey.'

    -You witnessed the European championship in Italy. Did you learn something about it?

    Menotti: "I found Germany interesting in connection with the future. The rest was of little value. "

    - Also not discovering talent of superior quality?

    Menotti: "Not one. Not a single real superstar."

    - Schuster we think?

    Menotti: "Good, but no more than that."

    - Tahamata actually not missed in Italy? Platini?

    Menotti: "Well, yes. Tahamata is a guy with possibilities. I was quite disappointed by the Dutch national team. The team assumed strength, but did not support that with outstanding football. Since '74, development in the Netherlands has stopped. The Orange of Italy could not endure the comparison with the team of '74 and not even that of '78. The remarkable thing was that the look was still there. That is a sign to me that people in the Netherlands still think in history; football based on nostalgia. While I am convinced that there is still a good team to be formed in the Netherlands. No super team, as in '74, but okay. '

    - Has the European Championship delivered something surprising in a tactical sense?

    Menotti: "Not as far as the Netherlands is concerned. Football is a dynamic sport. If you want to consolidate your existence at the top, you have to constantly adapt to the evolutions. What was a surprise in '74 was that in 78 no more. I once again recall the Orange of '74. The playing style was kind of a surprise. Presser football. Total football. The duel with Argentina then, 0-4, one of the most beautiful matches I have ever seen. Argentina had no chance. The time was missing to find an answer for the Dutch view of the game. I have exhaustively studied the playing style of the Netherlands for the World Cup '78. Then it was no surprise anymore. I point out that Argentina played in the final press football. And not the other way around.'

    - In the first half.

    Menotti: "Yes. The second half was for the Netherlands. Ah, there is no team capable of playing presser football for ninety minutes. The Netherlands has never yielded. You know, I have always kept in mind that Argentina would be in the final against the Netherlands. After all, they were the two best teams. "



    To be continued (with some more relevant remarks for euro 1980 and the players at the time).
  15. PuckVanHeel

    PuckVanHeel Member+

    Oct 4, 2011
    - Is there any other team that can actually play press soccer?

    Menotti: "I would not know it so quickly. If you want to play presser football, it has to be done to perfection. Otherwise it will be profitable for the opponent. One mistake, no good connection, counter and goal! I dare to claim that pressure football against the Argentine team is extremely dangerous. '

    - Because of the large individual qualities?

    Menotti: "Exactly. No opponent will be able to completely control our attackers in one-on-one situations. '

    - In addition, pressure football requires a fantastic condition.

    Menotti: "It can be cultivated and enhanced. We must assume that each team is 100% prepared in terms of physical condition at the time of a world tournament. However, that only makes up twenty percent. And eighty percent also relies from the mental concentration. The player must dare to interfere in the battle, but can not lose himself in the spectacle. That requires a great inner peace. The calm that the Netherlands radiated in '74 when it started a competition. '

    - Except in that last match against Germany.

    Menotti: "Germans are very disciplined. Their tactical discipline is great and they are driven by tremendous perseverance and fitness. '

    - They play with the German flag in mind.

    Menotti: 'And the Dutch player is more artistic ... don't sing the national anthem.'

    - We know the differences. The Netherlands Germany; it is something special. Like Argentina-Brazil that is. What is the relationship between these two countries?

    Menotti: 'Brazil will never be ousted from the world top. The country will have great opportunities in time; the talent is there, absolutely. The problem in Brazil is the permanent confusion surrounding the national team. There is no continuity. There is now another new coach, Santana. That means a new beginning. The result is that they were defeated by Russia, 1-0. And that they only played against Poland, 1-1. But I also saw Brazil against Paraguay. They won, they played well, there is a future. Brazil will therefore know great highlights. But it is changeable, too changeable. Then bad, very bad, then good again. Argentina plays much more regularly. This has been proven in Bern against the Netherlands, in Rome against Italy, in Glasgow against Scotland, in Vienna against Austria and in London against England. The team is moving at a constant level, easier to integrate youngsters. '


    There is a nice discussion going on between the merits of the theoretically trained and practically formed trainer. Do you need to have played top football ...

    Menotti: "Like Michels ..."

    - Yes, do you need to be a top player, as Michels and Happel even more so, to be able to coach in top football? And I would like to add that Zwartkruis, the Dutch coach, never played higher than the Second Division.

    Menotti: 'Provided: every top player does not become a top coach. But it helps that a trainer has played in the top. And has international experience. This practical experience can not be replaced by any theoretical training. You must have actually experienced it all once, you do not want to be surprised. I remember my debut in the Argentine team. They suddenly fell short and called me as sixteenth man. I assumed that I would end up on the bench, but just before the game I heard that I had to play. Is that really preparing a player spiritually for his task? I did not even take it that bad. But at that moment I decided: if I ever become a coach of Argentina, such things will never happen again. '

    [.... some known stuff about playing styles ...]

    -The last questions ... Your name is on a list of two hundred Argentines who are concerned about human rights in this country and elsewhere. To what extent do you feel involved in that side of Argentine society?

    Menotti: 'I think that a country has two fundamental obligations: health and education for every member of the population. In my profession, however, I have a sporting task. '

    - But how do you think about human rights in Argentina?

    Menotti: 'That is a theme that I cannot comment too much on.'

    - Then to separate his sport and society?

    Menotti: "No, that is not possible. Applies to every terrain. There are essentially no separations between art, science, sport or politics. In my work I try to be an example of how one can live with each other in this society. However, I am only a specialist in football. In that area I do what is in my power. I depend on football. I know my rights, but also my duties. "

    - You have a big name in the football world. You know, of course, that your voice has a lot of meaning.

    Menotti: "Yes. Of course I know that. I realize it ... "

    There, the descending band interrupts Cesar Luis Menotti's argument. That suits him well because a subject like that of human rights makes him a little **********rd; questions about this he experiences as annoying unless the answers are not displayed. And since the blood crawls with journalists where it is not allowed, he prefers to put a stop to this discussion. He thinks it is high time to ask a few questions himself. How recently did the Netherlands play against Germany? And even better: how did Germany play against the Netherlands? With Niedermayer as a libero? Interesting. And Briegel? "A power man, eh. Not beautiful, but terribly useful. Fantastic athlete. " He beckons me to the plate, diagonally behind his desk, to go through the attitude and strategy of Germany. I recognize the German final team of the European championship. Numerous arrows must represent the range of the various players. At Rummenigge the picture is terribly busy.

    Menotti: "There is the danger of Germany. Rummenigge. I am not a fan of his style, but it is very effective. There's always a threat from him. Great player."

    Germany will become the main opponent of Argentina in the next few years, he says. That does not make him afraid. 'In principle, we are departing from our own strength.' With one extra player he considers Argentina unbeatable in the world. I can guess. He is from the Netherlands. Maybe Cruijff? Krol?

    Menotti: 'Ah, those are fantastic players, but I do not need them the most. Those positions are occupied. No, what I aim for is Neeskens. I am a great fan of Neeskens, an absolute winner, good footballer. I see it all for me. On the left, Kempes, Maradona and Ardiles combine and on the right, that source comes through: Neeskens. Rising high and scoring at the second post. What a pleasure that should be to be allowed to work with that boy. '


    I've mentioned it before but the reigning Ballon d'Or winner Keegan named (from his perspective) the rising Platini and outgoing Cruijff as the two best players in the world, 27 June 1980.
    PDG1978 repped this.
  16. carlito86

    carlito86 Member+

    Jan 11, 2016
    Real Madrid
  17. Vegan10

    Vegan10 Member+

    Aug 4, 2011
    El Gráfico of Argentina made a final review of this tournament about the best players and worst, as well as other observations. I’ll summarize the most important parts.

    The biggest individual disappointment:
    Rummenigge, “with no heart, no soul”, virtually never showed up in France.

    The biggest collective disappointment: Belgium. Only against the “mediocre” Yugoslavian side did they play well but overall were considered a “fiasco”.

    The worst team: Yugoslavia. 3 defeats and lots of goals conceded. They only got together to prepare one week before the competition kicked off and it showed.

    The biggest disappointment as a team: West Germany. It cost Derwall his job as manager.

    The worst players: Belgium’s stopper, Walther Degreet, totally played in favor for his rivals and Bernd, the left back of West Germany, a “disaster”.

    The young stars that shone: Scifo, Laudrup and Fernandez.

    Best player: Platini, player of the entire field.

    The pitches: The grass was cut short, allowing for smooth, quick play, which proved a decisive aspect that made the tournament a spectacle that shined.

    And in the part where it says “Las grandes figuras” is the best players chosen per position.

    57620FD1-FFDA-4650-B474-EFC293A32ED4.jpeg 60B9CCB2-6A58-41EA-8B7E-5F8BC6DAF5DF.jpeg D5113D19-484E-4FA7-ADC4-4CB9E4C27A73.jpeg
    comme repped this.
  18. Titanlux

    Titanlux Member+

    Nov 27, 2017
    I thought it was essential to make an individual analysis of the European Championship based on the ratings to which I had access: Gazzetta dello Sport, France Football (merci compañero;)), As, Marca and Mundo Deportivo. It would be unfair to have made an arithmetic average for three reasons: 1st, because there are 3 Spanish sources, 2nd, because these together with the French one could have preferences regarding the players of their country (in fact they did), and 3rd, because in Marca and Mundo Deportivo the performances in all the matches were not quantified. Therefore, I have made a weighted average in which the Italian source has the highest specific weight, while the two incomplete Spanish sources have less weight. In any case, all the more sources I could get would be important to be able to get more "fairness" in the average values.
    There has been one incredibly good average to which I have given 4 stars, 10 very good (3 and 2 stars), 8 remarkable (1 star) and 16 really good. Then there are others with fair to poor ratings. There is another list of 50 players who, because they do not have a minimum number of grades, do not appear in the final list, as is the case of Amorós, Simonsen and Hagi. I will specify them by nationality.

    Me ha parecido fundamental hacer un análisis individual de la Eurocopa atendiendo a los ratings a los que he podido tener acceso: Gazzetta dello Sport, France Football (merci compañero;)), As, Marca y Mundo Deportivo. Sería injusto haber hecho un promedio aritmético por tres razones: 1º, porque hay 3 fuentes españolas, 2º, porque estas junto a la francesa podrían tener preferencias respecto a los jugadores de su país (de hecho así fue), y 3º, porque en Marca y Mundo Deportivo no se cuantificaron las actuaciones en todos los partidos. Por ello, he realizado un promedio ponderado en el cual el mayor peso específico lo tiene la fuente italiana, mientras que las dos españolas incompletas tienen menos peso. En cualquier caso, todas las fuentes más que pudiera conseguir serían importantes para poder conseguir una mayor “justicia” en los valores promedio.

    Ha habido un promedio increíblemente bueno al que le he puesto 4 estrellas, 10 muy buenos (3 y 2 estrellas), 8 notables (1 estrella) y 16 realmente buenos. Luego hay otros con ratings entre correctos y malos. Existe otra lista de 50 jugadores que por no llegan a tener un mínimo número de notas, no aparecen en la lista definitiva, como es el caso de Amorós, Simonsen y Hagi. Voy a especificarlos por nacionalidad.

    4 stars
    Tigana: 7.70 (22)
    3 stars
    Platini: 7.36 (22)
    2 stars
    Giresse: 7.13 (21)
    1 star
    Bossis: 6.84 (21)
    Fernandez: 6.57 (22), Domergue: 6.55 (21), Bats: 6.53 (22) ... Battiston: 6.29 (22)

    3 stars
    Salva: 7.23 (15)
    2 stars
    Maceda: 7.19 (20)
    1 star
    Arconada: 6,87 (25)
    Camacho: 6,64 (25) ... Santillana: 6,49 (25), Señor: 6,21 (22), Gordillo: 6,12 (19)

    3 stars
    Chalana: 7.61 (14)
    1 star
    Jordao: 6.86 (18)
    Eurico: 6.85 (17)
    Frasco: 6.74 (18), Sousa: 6.69 (18), Bento: 6.66 (18) ... Carlos Manuel: 6.05 (12)

    3 stars
    Elkjaer Larsen:
    7.55 (16)
    Qvist: 7.51 (16)
    Arnesen: 7.21 (16)
    2 stars
    Morten Olsen: 7.18 (16)
    1 star
    Berggreen: 6.84 (16)
    Bertelsen: 6.63 (16), Busk: 6.58 (16), Lerby: 6.53 (16) ... Laudrup: 6.14 (16)

    West Germany:
    3 stars

    Schumacher: 7.35 (13)
    Stielike: 6.78 (13), Briegel: 6.75 (13) ... Voller: 6.48 (13), Matthaus: 6.38 (10), K.H. Forster: 6.23 (13), Klaus Allofs: 5.94 (12), Rummenigge: 5.57 (13)

    1 star
    Scifo: 6.85 (11)
    Ceulemans: 6.74 (11), Pfaff: 6.57 (11), Claesen: 6.50 (10) ... Vercauteren: 6.33 (11)

    1 star

    Coras: 6.80 (13)
    Ungureanu: 6.57 (13) ... Boloni: 6.35 (13), Camataru: 5.62 (12)

    1 star
    Zajec: 6.80 (10)
    ... Gudelj: 6.00 (10), Susic: 5.17 (10)
  19. Titanlux

    Titanlux Member+

    Nov 27, 2017
    I have only been able to check 8 ideal XI of the tournament. I entered the data in a spreadsheet and I was able to make two teams, one "A" and one "B". To maximize the quality of the XI I have allowed myself some license such as putting Fernandez and Bossis as fullbacks.

    Solamente he podido comprobar 8 XI ideales del torneo. He metido los datos en una hoja de cálculo y me ha dado para hacer dos equipos, uno "A" y otro "B". Para maximizar la calidad de los XI me he permitido alguna licencia como las de poner a Fernández y Bossis de laterales.

    mejor XI euro 84.jpg
  20. Titanlux

    Titanlux Member+

    Nov 27, 2017
    Combining ratings and ideal teams we can obtain, perhaps, a list with the most outstanding players of the tournament. I am also enclosing my ideal XI of the championship based on this data.

    Uniendo ratings y equipos ideales podemos obtener, tal vez, una lista con los jugadores más destacados del torneo. Adjunto también mi XI ideal del campeonato en función de esos datos.

    puntuacion total euro.jpg
    Buyo, Pavlin Arnaudov and comme repped this.
  21. Pavlin Arnaudov

    Oct 21, 2017
    Great! Can you post separately the original ratings of the players from Gazzeta dello sport and As?
  22. Titanlux

    Titanlux Member+

    Nov 27, 2017
    ratings euro.jpg
    wm442433, Buyo and Pavlin Arnaudov repped this.
  23. Pavlin Arnaudov

    Oct 21, 2017
    Do you have the final team newspaper Lequipe standings, ratings from Euro 84?
  24. comme

    comme Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2003
    Per Sofascore the best players:

    1. Platini 8.30
    2. Bento 8.23
    3. Tigana 7.76
    4. Giresse 7.70
    5. Schumacher 7.70
    6. Chalana 7.65
    7. Qvist 7.60
    8. Arnesen 7.58
    9. Arconada 7.56
    10. Lerby 7.55
    11. Allofs 7.50
    12. Elkjaer 7.48
    13. Boloni 7.43
    14. Bernd Forster 7.43
    15. Busk 7.40
    16. Maceda 7.35
    17. Voller 7.30
    18. Rumennigge 7.27
    19. Zajec 7.27
    20. Battiston 7.24
    Titanlux, Pavlin Arnaudov and Buyo repped this.
  25. Kroos46

    Kroos46 Member

    Jun 6, 2023
    Corriere della Sera Ratings (For now I only have the France matches)

    First Round

    Attached Files:

    Titanlux and Pavlin Arnaudov repped this.

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